207 results for 'trade union'

    The Women Trade Unionists(Post)

    This week in 1919, the International Congress of Women Workers took place in Washington DC The National Federation of Women Workers (NFWW), established in 1906, was the first ever nationwide tra ...

    The Battle of Orgreave, Then and Now(Post)

    The Battle of Orgreave remains one of the most harrowing moments in the history of the British labour movement. Today marks 35 years since the Battle of Orgreave – when, during the height of the&nb ...

    The Martyrs Who Raised The Watch-Word Liberty(Post)

    Commemorating the annual Tolpuddle Martyrs' Festival which takes place each July in Dorset we recall the story of the martyrs from whom it takes its name We raise the watch-word liberty; We ...

    The Tolpuddle Martyrs: Six Farmhands from Dorset Banished to Australia(Post)

    George Loveless, James Loveless, Thomas Standfield, John Standfield, James Brine, James Hammett. Listed like that, you probably haven't heard of these men. But they have another name you will ...

    Jayaben Desai and the stand at Grunwick(Post)

    The stand taken by Jayaben Desai and others at Grunwick helped reimagine the labour movement "The strike is not so much about pay, it is a strike about human dignity." Jayaben Desai and oth ...

    Keir Hardie's Political Voyage to Create the Labour Party (Post)

    In 1915, Keir Hardie’s life of political struggle came to an end. Spanning the length and breadth of Britain, his story remains an inspiration to all who strive for social justice. The creation of Th ...

    Is Tea Really British? (Post)

    We Brits like to think of ourselves as the true custodians of tea: enthusiasts - perhaps even connoisseurs. But let's not kid ourselves. We didn't invent it. The stuff comes from China. I ...

    Speak for the Cause Daily: The Legacy of Eleanor Marx(Post)

    Today (31st March) is the 120th anniversary of Eleanor Marx's death in 1898. After learning that her partner, the English socialist Edward Aveling, had been having an affair, Eleanor tra ...

    Beware Captain Swing(Post)

    The Swing Riots, a stand against exploitation, were an important step in the development of a strategy for working class resistance "Oh Captain Swing, he'll come in the night To set all your b ...

    The London Dock Strike of 1889(Post)

    The strike that led to a sea change in the British labour movement... “The people’s flag is deepest red, It shrouded oft our martyred dead And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold, The ...

    Unity is Strength: The General Strike of 1926(Post)

    The General Strike of 1926 began 94 years ago, showing the immense power which belongs to workers when they come together and fight for the world they deserve. Unity is strength. Never ...

    'Red Ellen' Willkinson and the Jarrow March (Post)

    Our Jarrow Crusade tea towel is a beauty (I'm allowed to say so without being arrogant because I wasn't the one who designed it!). In the top right is a map of England with the route the marc ...