Here's our ridiculously simple, 100-day 'no questions asked' return policy
It's really simple. We're pretty confident you'll love our stuff. But if for some reason you're less than happy - whether that's because of a mistake on our part, something broken, or just a change of mind - then we'll either replace the products or give you all your original money back within 100 days. It's up to you either way.
If you bought something on the website, just send us an email to letting us know what's wrong, and we'll sort things out.
If you bought any of our products through a third party shop, please take the product back to them first. We're confident they'll be able to help you sort any problem, but if you'd still like to speak to us, then e-mail
Once we've received back the item(s) you wanted to return, we'll send out a replacement to you, or process your refund to your original payment method, and let you know. (Please ensure that you get proof/confirmation of postage (free) from the Post Office.)