Radical Tea Towel UK Blog

The Idiocy of Racism: Jesse Owens' Big Moment

Posted by Pete on 12th Sep 2019

Today in 1913, Jesse Owens was born in Oakville, Alabama. Two decades later, in Hitler’s Berlin, he won an Olympic 100m Gold which put a stake through the heart of Nazi racial ideology for all the wor … read more

How to Wash and Take Care of Your Tea Towels

Posted by Lucy Skoulding on 4th Sep 2019

The humble tea towel has had a far more extravagant history than you might believe. While some kind of drying instrument is likely to have been around since Roman times given knives and fo … read more

Marching for Democracy: The Peterloo Massacre

Posted by Pete on 16th Aug 2019

200 years ago today, a march at St Peter's Field saw government soldiers attack a peaceful gathering of Mancunian workers, who were out demanding the right to vote. But the events that followed the Pe … read more