Radical Tea Towel UK Blog

The 1914 Christmas Truce

Posted by Pete on 24th Dec 2017

In the First World War records of the 133rd Royal Saxon Regiment of the Imperial German Army, there's a lonely paragraph which stands out from the pages and pages of battle reports and casualty sta … read more

Is Tea Really British?

Posted by Luke on 15th Dec 2017

We Brits like to think of ourselves as the true custodians of tea: enthusiasts - perhaps even connoisseurs. But let's not kid ourselves. We didn't invent it. The stuff comes from China. It … read more

The Importance of Human Rights for Refugees

Posted by Pete on 10th Dec 2017

Note from Luke: for today's blog post on UN Human Rights Day, Pete tells the fascinating story of his family's arrival in Britain over 100 years ago and how the establishment of human rights has ch … read more

Are Feminist Tea Towels an Oxymoron?

Posted by Beatrice on 9th Dec 2017

Get new post updates here We recently shared some posts on Facebook showing several of our Suffragette poster tea towels and oven gloves. It kicked off a bit of a debate... S … read more