43 results for 'philosopher'

    The Radical Philosophy of Jeremy Bentham(Post)

    Born on the 15th of February, 1748, Jeremy Bentham sought to reform the institutions at the heart of British society “The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation ...

    Philosopher Zygmunt Bauman, One Year On(Post)

    Get new post updates here "I was left-wing, I am left-wing, and I will die left-wing." Zygmunt Bauman died today last year, a man of his word. To the very end, he was agitating on behalf o ...

    By Means of Love: The Life and Work of Simone de Beauvoir(Post)

    Born on this day in 1908, Simone de Beauvoir was one of the great thinkers of the twentieth century “One’s life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of lo ...

    Big Ideas and Blind Spots: The Life of John Stuart Mill(Post)

    What can Mill's flawed vision of freedom teach us about the radical struggle? Born today in 1806, John Stuart Mill didn’t have a normal English childhood… He was speaking Ancient Greek at ...

    Remembering the Russian Revolution (Post)

    "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it." - Karl Marx It’s the late 1870s. Imagine Karl Marx sitting by his fireplace on a winter ...

    Unity in Diversity: The Life of Otto Bauer(Post)

    The Austrian Marxist who tried to tackle the question of nationalism head-on “It is not the levelling of national particularities, but the promoting of international unity within national div ...

    Rise Like Lions: The Life and Work of Percy Bysshe Shelley(Post)

    The poet whose words inspired Marx, Gandhi, Thoreau and countless others... Percy Bysshe Shelley died on this day in 1822. He wasn’t yet thirty years old, but since his death Shelley h ...

    Five Radical Women You Should Know(Post)

    Radical female activists have often been overlooked throughout history. Today, the team behind the ever informative Instagram account  Radical Women’s History, highlight the personal sto ...

    Simón Bolívar: South America's 'El Libertador'(Post)

    History counts Simón Bolívar - born today in 1783 - as one of its great winners. That's a fair point. Bolívar - 'South America's George Washington' - did win countless battles in his lon ...

    The Radicals who Chose Isolation (Post)

    Our radical past is home to many characters who have actively chosen an isolated way of life… It’s hard to imagine right now, but plenty of people have happily opted for isolation over the ce ...

    Cooperation over Selfishness: Stephen Hawking on Brexit(Post)

    The late Professor Stephen Hawking, a committed Leftist, often intervened in political debates. His approach to Brexit is an excellent compass for guiding progressives through the post-referendum wor ...

    Ethical Policy(Page)

    Our Values We pride ourselves on our progressive values and our central message is one of equality and fairness. We reject all prejudice and discrimination against anyone for reasons of race, religi ...